Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cookies and Other Signs of Life

Laughing hysterically in the grocery line, I was surprised when my father pulled me gently out of the way. "Go ahead, President Eyring. We only have two items." I kept laughing (a little less loudly) as I watched the apostle and his wife make their way good-naturedly in front of us, and was much relieved to know that they, too, enjoy chocolate-chip cookies.

My laughter returned when I realized that the two items we were buying at the moment were a bottle of cooking wine and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I just can't help but picture the world's cruelest drinking contest.

I took consolation in knowing that I'm not the only person who encounters General Authorities in less-than-dignified moments. My mother, apparently, spent an entire evening unknowingly on the other side of a booth from President Monson in an ice cream parlor, laughing hysterically whenever somebody said, "Sheep's head." (This wouldn't have been nearly so frequent an utterance, had her friends not already discovered the reaction it would trigger.)

The chocolate-chip cookies, I feel, are what saved me. They served as a small reminder to me: whether or not this man is on speaking terms with the Lord, he's still just as human as I am. Which leads me to wonder why I consider chocolate-chip cookies as an indicator of humanity. But I suppose that's a meditation for another day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lessons Learned from Disney Sequels

So, Jenna and I had a weekend party. We're talking about the kind of party that ends in 5 Disney sequels in only 24 hours. It was epic. Here's what we learned:

The Lion King II: Even if your mother-in-law wants to kill you, you should still try to save her from falling to a watery grave.

The Little Mermaid II: Don't build walls and lie to your children. Also, feet are a plus.

Cinderella II: Be yourself. And if you get in trouble, blame the French.

Cinderella III: Magic explains everything. Trust the talking mice.

Lilo & Stitch II: If you put leftover meatloaf in your pillowcase, a buzzard will come into your house and trash everything. But only if you're Elvis.

Needless to say, Lilo & Stitch II was our favorite.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Madness Begins...

So, this isn't on "the list" (see recent posts,) but I've just got to say...

When the cashier asks you, "Did you guys find everything you were looking for today?"
And you have the opportunity to slap a plastic banana down on the register and say confidently, "Yes, why yes we did,"

...It is a very good day.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pasta Soup?

Alright, so the title needs some help. But it turned out pretty tasty, so I figured I'd jot it down here.

Again, I don't measure anything. Get over it.


Fry up some butter and garlic. Yum.
Add spinach. About four handfuls. Large handfuls, and shredded daintily.
Fry 'em up, then add enough flour to make a roux (a doughy consistency - just soak up the butter.)
Now add about a cup of buttermilk, stir it for a while, then add flour again for roux.

Got that? Good. Now add about half a gallon of milk, a little bit of basil, a teeny bit of rosemary, and a few more handfuls of shredded spinach - as much as you want. Then add a package of frozen tortellini, and cook that until it's starting to get soft. STIR CONSTANTLY!!! Once the tortellini is nearly soft, add some frozen shrimp (already cooked,) and wait for all that to get hot and tasty.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Summer Fun!

I found this list online, chock-full of things awesome. I've decided I ought to incorporate as many as possible into my summer experience, before I get to the MTC (and my life becomes much more focused.) My dear friend Ben has pledged his support in this endeavor, and I think the list should be pretty much neutralized by the end of the summer. Although I'll have to find something to replace such things as wine and coffee. Also, I'll have to find me some childrens. That could be interesting. Maybe Wal-Mart has them.

coloring (yes, grown-ups can do it, too)
crisp cotton sheets
soft skin
old family recipes
the first daffodils of spring

sleeping in
an exercise endorphin high
window boxes
a perfect cup of coffee
a genuine compliment (giving or receiving)
the way babies smell
a handwritten letter
waking up in a good mood...for no real reason
singing in the shower
finding a couple forgotten dollars in your pocket
doing something nice for your neighbor
a home-cooked meal
movie theater popcorn
playing hookey
a bubble bath
an afternoon nap
street musicians
your favorite song
saying thank you
helping someone in need
old fashioned photo booths
fresh whipped cream
inspiring blogs
a glass of wine
rainy afternoons
the funny things kids say
a novel you can get lost in
finding the perfect piece of clothing...on sale
clean laundry
the wind in your hair
treating the person behind you at the drive-thru
sharing an umbrella
the smell of lavender
a long walk that clears your head
a bear hug
The Beatles
smiling at a stranger
eating with chopsticks (Chinese food optional)
staying in your pj's all day
singing along to the radio and knowing all the words
fresh herbs
ordering in pizza
happy endings...even if they're fictional
flying a kite
root beer floats
holding open the door...
...or having someone hold the door for you
fountain soda
white, fluffy towels
spending an afternoon at a museum
really great advice
green lights all the way home
the sound of rain hitting the windows
sitting in a booth
holding hands
a great hair day with no effort
building a fort with your kids
when someone falls asleep with their head on your shoulder
the perfect taco
geraniums on a windowsill
slow dancing
the smell of fresh-baked bread
cheesy, uplifting musicals

great stories
the smell of gasoline
the cold side of the pillow
love letters
old friends...
...new friends
a pull-through parking space
a baguette -- crisp on the outside, airy on the inside
when a dog licks your hand
sitting at the counter at an old-fashioned diner
using your favorite dishes
reading your child a bedtime story
Girl Scout Cookies
kissing someone you love
the smell of onions and garlic cooking
hot chocolate
jumping in puddles

old photographs
birds hopping on the sidewalk
Ella Fitzgerald
a spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar
your softest t-shirt
a new magazine in the mail
having exact change
bacon and pancakes cooking on Saturday morning

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Confetti Pie

Alright - it tastes like an uber-sweet bowl of Trix. But it's freaking awesome if you like Trix.

1 Pie crust +...

2 C milk
1 banana
1 C shredded coconut
1 1/2 C sugar
1/4 C flour

Simmer (stirring like mad!) until it thickens, then add 1 tsp. corn starch.

Alternate layering Trix cereal and pudding shtuff. Chill for an hour or so.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Peanut Butter & Jell-O Pie!

Alright, I know what you're thinking. It probably starts with a "Gag" and goes on with a little "Hurp, bleurgh"ing. But, seriously - if you like PB&J sandwiches, you'll like the pie.

So, I didn't really measure anything. At all. But here's how I made it:

1 graham cracker crust (store-bought, 'cuz I'm lazy.)
4 oz. cream cheese or neufchatel
~1/2 C peanut butter
An amount of milk
1 package Jell-O (red or grape, preferably)

Cream together cream cheese and peanut butter, along with enough milk to make the mixture pour/spreadable, but not runny. Make sure to beat out the lumps. Spread said peanut butter/cream cheese stuff onto crust.

Prepare Jell-O according to directions, but pour carefully over peanut butter stuff to reach top of pie crust. (Careful not to destroy peanut butter layer. You may need to do some touch-up with a spoon.) Somehow, magically transfer the thing to the fridge with mad, mad ninja skills. Don't spill, whatever you do. Seriously. Who spills Jell-O all over the kitchen? Certainly not me. Refrigerate until the Jell-O sets.